Allergy Affiliates in Florida

Nasal Obstruction

nasal obstruction

Nasal Obstruction

Nasal obstruction and congestion is uncomfortable and can lead to many dental and medical problems. The nose is the filter that cleans and conditions the air before it gets to our delicate lungs. Treatments include steroid sprays, allergen avoidance and allergy shots.

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FAQs about Nasal Obstruction

Learn answers to frequently asked questions about this Nasal Obstruction. Find out what it is, the symptoms, and the causes.

  • What Is Nasal Obstruction?

    Nasal obstruction is when the breathing airway in the nasal cavity is partially or completely blocked. This can be uncomfortable, as it forces you to breathe through your mouth and makes daily functions, such as eating or exercising, more difficult. In this case, breathing becomes difficult because it requires you to breathe through your mouth, which makes eating and exercising more complex.

  • What causes nasal obstruction?

    Nasal obstruction can result from allergies (seasonal or year-round), nasal irritants (such as tobacco smoke), prior nasal surgery, or nasal trauma. In addition, your nose's anatomic features can cause nasal obstruction. Among these are deviated nasal septums, enlarged nasal turbinates, and nasal vestibular stenosis (a collapsed nose when you breathe in). 

  • What are some nasal obstruction symptoms?

    There are some symptoms that may indicate a nasal obstruction in a patient:

    • Excessive postnasal discharge
    • An itchy or watery eye
    • Sneezing
    • Facial pain
    • Headache
    • Smell incapacity
    • Inability to breathe through one or both nostrils
    • Trouble blowing nose
    • A stuffy, full feeling in the nose or sinuses

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