Allergy Affiliates in Florida

Shortness of Breath

shortness of breath

Shortness of Breath

You should call us if you experience any shortness of breath that is not expected from an activity and the current state of your fitness or health. If your shortness of breath is accompanied by other symptoms, such as chest pain, you should get to a hospital immediately.  If your breathing has changed suddenly for no obvious reason, or is getting slowly worse over time, it may be a sign of a more serious problem. When sudden breathlessness occurs, a number of things could be the cause, such as an upper airway obstruction or a piece of food stuck in your throat. Other possible causes include heart attack, carbon monoxide poisoning and asthma flare-ups.

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FAQs about Shortness of Breath

Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is a sensation of difficulty breathing or breathlessness. Various factors, including respiratory or cardiac conditions, obesity, anxiety, or physical exertion, can cause it. Here are the most frequently asked questions about it.

  • What are the causes of shortness of breath?

    There are many causes of shortness of breath, including problems with the lungs, heart, or blood vessels.

    Shortness of breath is a feeling of not being able to breathe enough air. It can happen while walking, climbing stairs, running, or even while sitting still. In some cases, it can happen suddenly, while in others, it may develop slowly over a period of time.

    In addition, shortness of breath can be caused by a variety of medical conditions. There are a number of causes, but the most common ones are lung and heart conditions. Your body's ability to breathe properly depends on these organs.

    You may feel breathless for a few days or even less, depending on whether the problem is acute or chronic. 

    The following factors can contribute to shortness of breath:

    • asthma, 
    • bronchitis, 
    • pneumonia, 
    • pneumothorax, 
    • anemia, 
    • lung cancer,
    • inhalation injury, 
    • pulmonary embolism, 
    • anxiety, 
    • COPD, 
    • high altitude with lower oxygen levels, 
    • congestive heart failure, 
    • arrhythmia, 
    • allergic reaction, 
    • anaphylaxis, 
    • subglottic stenosis, 
    • interstitial lung disease, 
    • obesity, 
    • tuberculosis, 
    • epiglottitis, 
    • emphysema, 
    • pulmonary fibrosis,
    • pulmonary artery hypertension, 
    • pleurisy, 
    • croup, 
    • polymyositis, 
    • Guillain-Barré syndrome, 
    • sarcoidosis, rib fracture, 
    • carbon monoxide poisoning, 
    • and aerobic exercise.

  • What are the symptoms of shortness of breath?

    There are several symptoms associated with shortness of breath:

    • Feelings of anxiety,
    • Sputum with blood,
    • chest injury,
    • chest pain,
    • chest tightness,
    • cough,
    • dizziness,
    • fatigue,
    • heart palpitations,
    • neck pain,
    • pain with inspiration (pleurisy),
    • rapid, shallow breathing, and
    • wheezing.


    If you are experiencing shortness of breath while resting, especially if it is significantly worse than what you normally feel (e.g., caused by less activity than usual), you should seek medical attention. Go to the nearest emergency room if you have severe shortness of breath, chest pain, or nausea. In the case of shortness of breath, it is important not to disregard it.

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